Source code for pycantonese.jyutping.parse_jyutping

import dataclasses
from typing import List


NUCLEI = {"aa", "a", "i", "yu", "u", "oe", "e", "eo", "o", "m", "ng"}

CODAS = {"p", "t", "k", "m", "n", "ng", "i", "u", ""}

TONES = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"}

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class Jyutping: """Jyutping representation of a Chinese/Cantonese character. Attributes ---------- onset : str Onset nucleus : str Nucleus coda : str Coda tone : str Tone """ __slots__ = ("onset", "nucleus", "coda", "tone") onset: str nucleus: str coda: str tone: str
[docs] def __str__(self): """Combine onset + nucleus + coda + tone.""" return f"{self.onset}{self.nucleus}{self.coda}{self.tone}"
@property def final(self): """Return the final (= nucleus + coda).""" return f"{self.nucleus}{self.coda}"
[docs]def parse_jyutping(jp_str) -> List[Jyutping]: """Parse Jyutping romanization into onset, nucleus, code, and tone. Parameters ---------- jp_str : str Jyutping romanization for one or multiple characters. Returns ------- List[Jyutping] Raises ------ ValueError If the Jyutping romanization is illegal (e.g., with unrecognized elements). Examples -------- >>> parse_jyutping("gwong2dung1waa2") # 廣東話, Cantonese [Jyutping(onset='gw', nucleus='o', coda='ng', tone='2'), Jyutping(onset='d', nucleus='u', coda='ng', tone='1'), Jyutping(onset='w', nucleus='aa', coda='', tone='2')] """ if not jp_str: return [] # check jp_str as a valid argument string if not isinstance(jp_str, str): raise ValueError("argument needs to be a string -- " + repr(jp_str)) jp_str = jp_str.lower() # parse jp_str as multiple jp strings jp_list = [] jp_current = "" for c in jp_str: jp_current = jp_current + c if c.isdigit(): jp_list.append(jp_current) jp_current = "" if not jp_str[-1].isdigit(): # TODO: error msg should be "no invalid tone detected" or something? raise ValueError("tone error -- " + repr(jp_str[-1])) jp_parsed_list = [] for jp in jp_list: if len(jp) < 2: raise ValueError( "jyutping string has fewer than " "2 characters -- " + repr(jp) ) tone = jp[-1] cvc = jp[:-1] # tone if tone not in TONES: raise ValueError("tone error -- " + repr(jp)) # coda if not (cvc[-1] in "ieaouptkmng"): raise ValueError("coda error -- " + repr(jp)) if cvc in ["m", "n", "ng", "i", "e", "aa", "o", "u"]: jp_parsed_list.append(Jyutping("", cvc, "", tone)) continue elif cvc[-2:] == "ng": coda = "ng" cv = cvc[:-2] elif ( (cvc[-1] in "ptkmn") or ((cvc[-1] == "i") and (cvc[-2] in "eaou")) or ((cvc[-1] == "u") and (cvc[-2] in "ieao")) ): coda = cvc[-1] cv = cvc[:-1] else: coda = "" cv = cvc # nucleus, and then onset nucleus = "" while cv[-1] in "ieaouy": nucleus = cv[-1] + nucleus cv = cv[:-1] if not cv: break if not nucleus: raise ValueError("nucleus error -- " + repr(jp)) onset = cv if onset not in ONSETS: raise ValueError("onset error -- " + repr(jp)) jp_parsed_list.append(Jyutping(onset, nucleus, coda, tone)) return jp_parsed_list
def _parse_final(final): """Parse a final into its nucleus and coda. Parameters ---------- final : str Returns ------- tuple[str] """ for i in range(1, len(final) + 1): possible_nucleus = final[:i] possible_coda = final[i:] if (possible_nucleus in NUCLEI) and (possible_coda in CODAS): return possible_nucleus, possible_coda return None