
pycantonese.parse_text(data, *, segment_kwargs=None, pos_tag_kwargs=None, participant: Optional[str] = None, parallel: bool = True) pycantonese.corpus.CHATReader[source]

Parse raw Cantonese text.

datastr or Iterable[str] or Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]

Raw Cantonese text data, in one of the following formats:

  • A single string, e.g., "廣東話好難學?都唔係吖!" (which would be two utterances). Basic utterance segmentation (i.e., splitting by the end-of-line character \n or one of the Chinese full-width punctuation marks from {”。”, “!”, “?”}) will be applied to this string, and each segmented utterance will be an utterance in the resulting CHAT reader.

  • An iterable of strings, e.g., ["廣東話好難學?", "都唔係吖!"]. No utterance segmentation will be done. Use this option to pass in data that’s utterance-segmented to your liking.

  • An iterable of tuples, where each tuple has two strings, one for the participant and the other for the utterance, e.g., [("小芬", "你食咗飯未呀?"), ("小明", "我食咗喇。")].

segment_kwargsdict, optional

To customize word segmentation, provide a dictionary here which would then be passed as keyword arguments to segment().

pos_tag_kwargsdict, optional

To customize part-of-speech tagging, provide a dictionary here which would then be passed as keyword arguments to pos_tag().

participantstr, optional

If provided, this will be the participant in the output CHAT-formatted data (and will override all the particpants if your input to data is an iterable of tuples). If not provided, a default dummy participant "X" is used when your data is either a single string or an iterable of strings.

parallelbool, optional

If True (the default), this function attempts to parallelize parsing for speed-up. (In case the data volume is very small, the parsing is not parallelized even if you pass in True.) Under certain circumstances (e.g., your application is already parallelized and further parallelization from within this function might be undesirable), you may like to consider setting this parameter to False.
