Source code for pycantonese.jyutping.characters

from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import List, Tuple

from pycantonese.corpus import hkcancor, Token
from pycantonese.jyutping.parse_jyutping import parse_jyutping
from pycantonese.word_segmentation import _get_default_segmenter, segment, Segmenter
from pycantonese.util import _split_chars_with_alphanum, _deprecate

def _get_words_characters_to_jyutping():
    corpus = hkcancor()
    words_to_jyutping_counters = defaultdict(Counter)
    characters_to_jyutping_counters = defaultdict(Counter)

    for token in corpus.tokens(by_utterances=False):
        token: Token
        word = token.word
        jyutping = token.jyutping

        if not jyutping or not word:
            parsed_jp = parse_jyutping(jyutping)
        except ValueError:
        if len(word) != len(parsed_jp):
        words_to_jyutping_counters[word][jyutping] += 1
        for char, jp in zip(word, parsed_jp):
            characters_to_jyutping_counters[char][str(jp)] += 1

    words_to_jyutping = {}
    for word, jyutping_counter in words_to_jyutping_counters.items():
        jp = jyutping_counter.most_common(1)[0][0]
        words_to_jyutping[word] = jp
    chars_to_jp = {}
    for character, jyutping_counter in characters_to_jyutping_counters.items():
        jp = jyutping_counter.most_common(1)[0][0]
        chars_to_jp[character] = jp

    words_to_jyutping = {
        # The ordering of the following dicts matters.
        # rime-cantonese (more accurate data) overrides HKCanCor if they don't agree.
        **{k: v for k, v in LETTERED.items() if len(_split_chars_with_alphanum(k)) > 1},
        **{k: v for k, v in CHARS_TO_JYUTPING.items() if len(k) > 1},

    # TODO: Extract characters from CHARS_TO_JYUTPING and LETTERED
    #    and add them to characters_to_jyutping
    chars_to_jp = {
        # The ordering of the following dicts matters.
        # rime-cantonese (more accurate data) overrides HKCanCor if they don't agree.
        **{k: v for k, v in LETTERED.items() if len(k) == 1},
        **{k: v for k, v in CHARS_TO_JYUTPING.items() if len(k) == 1},

    return words_to_jyutping, chars_to_jp

[docs]def characters_to_jyutping( chars: str, segmenter: Segmenter = None ) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Convert Cantonese characters into Jyutping romanization. The conversion model is based on the HKCanCor corpus and rime-cantonese data. Any unseen Cantonese character (or punctuation mark, for that matter) is represented by `None` in the output. This function also performs word segmentation, in order to resolve potential ambiguity in mapping characters to Jyutping. Parameters ---------- chars : str A string of Cantonese characters. segmenter : Segmenter, optional A :class:`~pycantonese.word_segmentation.Segmenter` instance to customize word segmentation. If specified, this segmenter is passed to the ``cls`` keyword argument of :func:`~pycantonese.segment`. If ``None`` or not given, the default segmenter is used. Returns ------- list[tuple[str, str]] A list of segmented words, where each word is a 2-tuple of (Cantonese characters, Jyutping romanization). Examples -------- >>> characters_to_jyutping("香港人講廣東話。") # Hongkongers speak Cantonese. [('香港人', 'hoeng1gong2jan4'), ('講', 'gong2'), ('廣東話', 'gwong2dung1waa2'), ('。', None)] """ # noqa: E501 if not chars: return [] words_to_jyutping, chars_to_jyutping = _get_words_characters_to_jyutping() result = [] if segmenter is None: segmenter = _get_default_segmenter() for word in segment(chars, cls=segmenter): try: jp = words_to_jyutping[word] except KeyError: jp = "" for char in word: try: jp += chars_to_jyutping[char] except KeyError: jp = None break result.append((word, jp)) return result
@_deprecate("characters2jyutping", "characters_to_jyutping", "3.0.0", "4.0.0") def characters2jyutping(*args, **kwargs): """Same as characters_to_jyutping. .. deprecated:: 3.0.0 """ return characters_to_jyutping(*args, **kwargs)